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The U.S. Navy has used a laser weapon to shoot down 20/7/2010

The U.S. Navy has used laser weapons to kill aa four UAVs in a test that rings the memory of Ronald Reagan's "Star Wars" missile defense shield in the 1980s.

The Phalanx Close-In Weapons System.
(Credit: Raytheon)

The successful test of laser weapons system off the coast of California was announced at the Farnborough International Airshow, taking place this week in England.

The technology, developed in conjunction with Raytheon, used lasers industrial power, is more than just a PR exercise your banal. In his account of technology, Scientific American points out correctly that the cons-air attack drones water is an improvement over previous tests that Raytheon has focused on static targets.

Mike Booen Raytheon USA Today gave the money quote for the day: "The objectives crossed the ocean, and it was a good day for lasers bad day for UAVs."

However, do not expect to deploy in the near future. Although follow-up tests through with flying colors, the technology will probably take several years before it is ready for combat. (Incidentally, the breakthrough is around the time of the day that U.S. astronauts walked on the moon in 1969.

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